Thursday, 17 January 2013

Post Christmas Winter Wonderland

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to craft anything in the last fews days. I'll tell you why. I came to visit my Mum and Dad for a few days expecting that today I would be back home. But the lovely snow has basically blocked us in. I was going to post a tutorial today, but for that I need pictures and for that I need to have the crafting equipment with me!!

Instead, I have decided to do a piece about the snow, as I am surrounded by it!! All the pictures on this posting are ones that I've taken in my back garden this morning. The sun was out and it really was quite pleasant and it has given me ideas on some new necklaces.

                        This is one of my favourites, the spider webs completely covered in frost. I think it looks amazing!! I am so tempted to make a necklace that imitates this look. I think that it would look great but maybe not something that would be bought particularly...what do you think? Please use the comments for your suggestions!

 This is the biggest tree in our garden, and I took a photo of it because I absolutely love the contrast between the white frosty branches and the dark black almost trunk and larger out reaches. The sun was in my way when I took this picture but unfortunately that was the only available angle.

I wonder if contrast would work really well in jewellery.
 This was one of the reasons I wanted to take pictures today; the wonderful icicles! I think they are really picturesque. I have to say they were bigger earlier this morning but I had to go out before I could take time to do this blog!
 I love the spring flowers and I think it is because of the plants tenacity to push through. In the picture to the left you can see those green shoots growing through the snow waiting for that spring sunshine.

I love the pattern of the frost that clings to the leaves (below) and the stalks of a raspberry bush (left). Its so random but so pretty. I will use these for reference when I make some more frosty looking plants and flowers.

Thank you for looking, see you next time. Don't forget to like my Facebook Page and look in my shop on Etsy for any new stock or if you want to see what I have made! I will do my best to get a tutorial up on here as soon as I can get home!!

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